5 To-Do's For Your First Blog Post
Here are some handy tips for first-time bloggers to get you started with your first post. Hopefully, it will also provide inspiration for the goals and content of your blog. Happy blogging!
Make an attention-grabbing headline. Check.
Introduce yourself. Hi, I’m Danielle. Read about me here.
Be a little more specific. This spring, I made the decision to pursue my graduate degree. Grad school was always in the plan, but I never thought the timing was right. In July, I began classes online at Syracuse University studying communications. The online program, Communications@Syracuse is in its third year and consists of asynchronous work, which is a mix of pre-recorded lecture videos, response forums, reading assignments, quizzes and homework and synchronous work, a live, webinar-style weekly class. We will also participate in two mass media-focused weekend workshops with industry leaders and professors known as immersions – one campus-based and the other in New York or Los Angeles. I’m super excited!
Tell people why you’re blogging. This quarter, my Intro to Digital Communication class requires us to tweet and blog weekly. I have never been a blogger or consistent tweeter(?), but I was excited about the prospect of starting. I chose to host my blog on my portfolio site for ease of maintenance and sharing.
Tell readers what to expect. My posts are responses to weekly reflection prompts, plus other communications-related content. My goal is to feature interesting content and compelling ideas to make you think about the particulars of communication. I hope you learn something new while you’re here and contribute to the conversation! Thanks for stopping by. -D